Friday May 9, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
This is a light-hearted, powerful flow with the opportunity to amplify or modify. In this class, we'll explore how our energy reaches beyond ourselves, connecting with nature and the community. We'll transition seamlessly between poses, emphasizing the connection to our breath and the fluidity of movement. Our goal is to release old patterns and gain a sense of presence within ourselves, others, and the water around us. As we practice, our energy rises and we move together as one BIG, radiant ball of blissful light. "I know, I know. Sounds kinda cheesy...give it a try.  We will visualize, sweat, and shift our mind to find the balance between peaceful surrender and energetic devotion." ~ Krista 
avatar for Krista DeBuhr

Krista DeBuhr

Corporate Wellness + Event Designer, Power Yoga Retreats
Krista is constantly re-inventing herself.  She begin her yoga journey as a student at Cleveland Yoga in 2004 and soon returned home to Arkansas to open yoga studio's all over the state. She is best known for her Employee Wellness Initiatives, Corporate Health Programs, and Yoga... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Great Lawn

Attendees (5)

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