Saturday May 10, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am CDT
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life? The iconic songs of Stevie Nicks often express themes of love, loss, and personal turmoil. Sound familiar? Let's flow and move and breathe to the amazing music of Fleetwood Mac. Music has a way of taking these big feeling and transmuting them into catharsis. Combine her beautiful lyrics and beats with a flowing, breath centered yoga practice that celebrates the depth of what life has to offer. This class will involve sun salutations and will give variations and options to dial the intensity up or down. This class will be an opportunity to be playful with your yoga practice and not take yourself too seriously. Feel free to sing, to rest, to cry, to laugh, to dance with your sisters.
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Johanna Epps

Studio Owner + Yoga Teacher, Go Inside Yoga
Johanna Epps is the owner of Go Inside Yoga studio in Conway, Arkansas and has been teaching yoga for 21 years.  She started her yoga journey in Phoenix, Arizona where she was given her first yoga teaching gig by the creator of Spiritual Gangster, Ian Lopatin.  She completed her... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am CDT
Great Lawn

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