Saturday May 10, 2025 6:00am - 7:00am CDT
Rise with the sun as you move and groove your way into the morning light. Our journey to feel alive and thrive begins with slow movement and deep breaths. As the sky beams brighter, the energy gets wilder.  It is through free movement that we invite our deepest expression of spirit. Let's celebrate life as the day breaks over the water. This class includes meditation, breath work, easeful movement, and mindset.  Sunrise is at 6:13 am.
avatar for DJ Dang

DJ Dang

MC Entertainment
avatar for Krista DeBuhr

Krista DeBuhr

Corporate Wellness + Event Designer, Power Yoga Retreats
Krista is constantly re-inventing herself.  She begin her yoga journey as a student at Cleveland Yoga in 2004 and soon returned home to Arkansas to open yoga studio's all over the state. She is best known for her Employee Wellness Initiatives, Corporate Health Programs, and Yoga... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 6:00am - 7:00am CDT
Great Lawn

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