Friday May 9, 2025 8:30pm - 9:30pm CDT
Settle in, get cozy, and allow the resonant tones of quartz crystal singing bowls to lull you into deep relaxation. This immersive sound experience is designed to quiet the mind, release tension, and invite a sense of ease and renewal. Bring blankets, bolsters, or any props to enhance your comfort. Or wear your bathing suit and bring a raft to float under the stars. No prior experience is needed—just arrive as you are and let the vibrations do the rest.
avatar for Terri Hargrove

Terri Hargrove

Owner + Instructor, Yogaterrium
Terri Hargrove has been teaching yoga in the Fort Smith River Valley since 2012. Her yoga training began at the Sivananda Yoga Center in the Bahamas, where she completed her first RYT 200 in 2012. Her passion for deepening her practice led her to Yandara Yoga in Baja, Mexico, where... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 8:30pm - 9:30pm CDT

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