Friday May 9, 2025 12:30pm - 1:30pm CDT
In this lunch presentation Dr. Cole will take a holistic look at gut health. He will go over what obvious gut-related symptoms usually mean, as well as consider the non-gi related symptoms that plague the modern human--such as fatigue, anxiety, depression, and skin conditions to name a few--and then clue you in as to how an unhappy gut can be causing or contributing to these conditions. Potential treatment options for these complaints will also be discussed. Subtopics include diet, digestion and absorption, autoimmunity, gut infections (parasites, bacterial, fungal, yeast), microbiome health and more. You can purchase the salad buffet from the Resort or bring your own lunch. We will be sitting at rounds in a ballroom overlooking the water in an environment easy to listen and learn.  

We are working with Lake DeGray on some new and improved delicious lunch options! Available for purchase soon. We will send an email out to all attendees when this comes available.
avatar for Cole Fennel

Cole Fennel

Chiropractor, Ozark Holistic Center
Dr. Cole Fennel DC has extensive training in functional medicine and kinesiology-based chiropractic care. He practices in Fayetteville, Arkansas at the Ozark Holistic Center and spends much of his time focusing on complex health cases, athletes, and general wellness patients."I am... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 12:30pm - 1:30pm CDT
Learning Lounge

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