Saturday May 10, 2025 8:30pm - 9:30pm CDT
Experience the deep, restorative magic of Yoga Nidra—a practice accessible to everyone, no matter your experience level. Whether you struggle with letting go, sleep difficulties, burnout, trauma, or anxiety, this guided journey into deep relaxation offers profound healing and a greater connection to yourself. Yoga Nidra invites you into a state of effortless rest where the mind slows, the body unwinds, and the nervous system resets.
Research shows that while meditation and Yoga Nidra both help reduce stress and anxiety, Yoga Nidra may be even more effective in easing both cognitive and physical tension. This ancient yet increasingly popular practice is a gateway to inner peace, renewal, and profound self-discovery.
You’ll be lying down the entire time, fully supported in comfort. We have a limited number of yoga mats, bolsters, and blankets available, but feel free to bring your own, along with a pillow if that enhances your experience. Dress in soft, cozy layers so you can fully surrender into relaxation.
avatar for Johanna Epps

Johanna Epps

Studio Owner + Yoga Teacher, Go Inside Yoga
Johanna Epps is the owner of Go Inside Yoga studio in Conway, Arkansas and has been teaching yoga for 21 years.  She started her yoga journey in Phoenix, Arizona where she was given her first yoga teaching gig by the creator of Spiritual Gangster, Ian Lopatin.  She completed her... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 8:30pm - 9:30pm CDT

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